Katie wicks spylab
Katie wicks spylab

katie wicks spylab

Our target audience was 15-25 age group and we were specifically targeting males with the film magazine, we believe that our magazine, posters and film addressed this target market with the way we chose our designs, we made the front cover of our film magazine in a boys colour scheme which was red, green and white, we also decided it could be seasonal to Christmas and made our film date December. One person said that they look forward to future work from Easton Productions which is a positive comment for our film institution.

katie wicks spylab

They also liked the gunshot sounds which we especially liked.

katie wicks spylab

However another person said that that adds suspense which makes it flow well, this adds to our genre. However one person said that they felt that the transitions fade to quickly, We feel that this is the effect that we wanted as we based our film on films like the "Blair Witch" which do contain quick transitions. We were worried about how the word "Wrong" would be interpreted and this seemed to work well, Jonty said that it adds a dramatic feel to the teaser trailer. They also think that the home video aspect of our teaser trailer, worked well as it is different and intriguing. This is our audience feedback from our film, they all have commented on the breathing and screaming and how it adds suspense, I believe that is does add suspense too and they think it shows the genre of the teaser trailer. The picture of Grace gives away much more narrative as her eyes lure the audience in and give a sense of mystery, I feel that the candle really highlights the thriller feel as it links with the image on our magazine cover which portrays her as innocent, but we feel that the image of her on our poster is much more devious and intriguing and we feel she is portrayed as more evil because of the close up camera shot, I feel this really works well as it is exciting for the audience. I am glad that we did ask for feedback as it made us re evaluate our posters and it now works better. The picture of Grace works much better than the house as people were getting confused as to what our film was about when we asked for feedback, so we decided to swap the images round. We feel that making this change to our film poster will benefit the whole package as the house fits better on the teaser poster as it doesn't give away much narrative and the picture of Grace is much more conventional to have on the real film poster. I feel that the film name works as it appeals to all of our target audience. We chose the title La Femme as we feel it appeals to our target audience 15 - 25, as the younger range of our target audience would still be in school studying french and would understand what it meant and would feel it related to them, and the older range of our target audience would feel that La Femme was more sophisticated than just "The girl" so it would make them feel sophisticated going to see it.

katie wicks spylab

We chose the colour red as it indicates danger and it a typical thriller colour and people associate red with thrillers, i feel by choosing this colour along with the black and white we really met our genre. I feel that this works much better now as it is more outstanding. The title of the film La Femme has stayed in red and is spread out across the poster so it is eye catching, and we have changed the "In Cinemas" to red rather than the white which it was previously, this is because the light from the candle hid the white writing, it also makes it stand out more and makes the release date of our film more eye catching.

Katie wicks spylab